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In short, they were significantly different from their autistic peers because he was not autistic at all.
This is a less common form of flexeril in general. This is not an autism spectrum, although there are some autistic traits and behaviors that gradually disappear as the child gets older. These children also begin reading early, often displaying astonishing memory abilities and precocious abilities in other areas. They exhibit autistic behavior, but in my experience they are not autistic. For example, they may show unusual sensory sensitivity (to sounds or touch or taste).
Unlike children with autism, they are often very outgoing and affectionate with family, but reserved and distant with peers. They tend to buy cyclobenzaprine tablets good eye contact and can be very sociable with faces close to them. Also, children may resist change and persistent suggestions from adults. These children seem quite bright, inquisitive beyond their years. Their interest in text, letters and phenomenal visual memory are striking.
Over time, the autistic behaviors and symptoms disappear, and these children appear to be quite normal (neurotypical) for their age. These are the kids who "outgrow" their autism, or more accurately, in my opinion, don't have autism to begin with. The prognosis for these children is excellent and I have investigated a large number of such cases by correspondence where the result was just-excellent.

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In general - early mastery of reading. Used specifically for children who have learned to read before formal learning to read.
- A condition characterized by the very early acquisition of reading without much effort by a child who shows no other special abilities and who actually "slowly" progresses through the standard stages of development.
- When the term is used in this sense, it refers to what some consider a form of minimal brain damage.
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- That's what the resperk is for, so it's for the analog arrows of the speedometer and tachometer.
- It was in the evening and the lighting in the cabin is weak, which is why the photos are not very good quality and dark.
- It was in the evening and the lighting in the cabin is weak, which is why the photos are not very good quality and dark.
- But the C-class still has real arrows, which is great.
At the primary level, a mother with a five-year-old. The boy does not speak, the contact is bad. I talk with my mother and watch the child. how he explores the office, how he reacts to the words of his mother, what toys he takes, what he does with them. And something makes you think, there is a suspicion. I decide to check. I put cards with words and letters in front of him.
I'm watching. I turn to my mother. "Do you know that your child can read?" I won’t say that this happens to every child, but much more often than it might seem. For example, in a post about supportingThis communication describes how many people who could not speak and were considered severely mentally retarded were able to type with support. This phenomenon is called hyperlexia.
In the 1980s, the following criteria for hyperlexia were identified. Spontaneous reading of words before the age of 5 years, insufficient understanding of oral and written speech (audible and read), the development of word recognition skill above the expected level of development of speech and cognitive capabilities. At the same time, some researchers have identified two subtypes of hyperlexia.
Development of the skill of reading words before the chronological age or intensive passion for letters and / or numbers (up to 5 years) - pronounced speech disorders (delayed and immediate echolalia, high rates of mechanical auditory-speech memory (as well as visual), better understanding of individual words (mainly nouns) than sentences and texts, the use of the same phrases in similar situations, pronounced difficulties in initiating speech contact with spontaneous verbosity - transfer difficulties, the need to observe rituals, olfactory and / or tactile hypersensitivity, autostimulation, specific, unusual fears - the presence of regression or delay in speech development - difficulties in understanding interrogative adverbs and pronouns - a concrete, literal understanding of situations - difficulties with abstract concepts.
Richman and Kitchell found superior auditory and visual memory in children with hyperlexia, but it turned out to be for isolated words rather than words used in context. These children show difficulties with categorization and association operations, they do not focus on syntactic and semantic aspects. They are able to receive and store isolated units of information, rather mechanically, but organize and use semantic information with difficulty, which is consistent with the theory of central binding impairment in autism by Yu. Friz.
According to modern data, the concept of hyperlexia is characterized by the following categories. Obviously, most of the listed criteria for determining hyperlexia are identical to the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. L. Richman and others distinguish two subtypes of hyperlexia. The first group - children with speech disorders similar to speech problems in children with Kanner's syndrome. In the other group, visual-spatial and motor disorders come to the fore (similar to Asperger's syndrome).

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to define a letter, it is necessary to synthesize all its elements into a gestalt. Perhaps, in this case, the child perceives the word not as a combination of sound-letters, but as a whole as a certain sign (ideogram). It is curious that many linguists have argued that the word is not a unit of speech (like a phrase or sentence, for example), but serves as an element of the language (sign).
An analysis of the characteristics of speech in autistic children reveals that one of the most common problems is just a violation of phonemic hearing, in addition, features of visual-spatial perception are also a significant drawback for the formation of reading skills. Given the lack of spatial gnosis typical of autistic children, which manifests itself in the difficulties of merging parts, fragments into a whole, one could assume certain difficulties already at the stage of familiarization with letters.
As you know, at the initial stage of mastering reading, sufficient formation of the following functions is necessary. Until now, there is an active controversy about the nature of hyperlexia. how the reading process takes place and what methods of information processing it includes. So, De Hersh and Kobrinik found that the ability to read hyperlexics depends only on the developed ability to receive, store and analyze visual information. Visual processing - as an alternative way of reading (as opposed to a complex one, including sound, visual and semantic aspects) in autistic children with hyperlexia was distinguished by many authors.

Kobrinik, in a study of the ability of hyperlexic children with autism to recognize words with partially deleted letters, also identified superior visual processing and associated this phenomenon with the specific nature of visual information processing in the right hemisphere.
As can be seen from the review, to date there are several conflicting views on the phenomenon of hyperlexia. The only indisputable criterion of hyperlexia, at the moment, is the presence of an early interest in a sign, letters or numbers and / or learning to read before the age of 5, which does not correspond to low levels of verbal and cognitive development, in the spectrum of autistic manifestations. How do you know if your child has hyperlexia?
As mentioned earlier, along with autistic symptoms (infirst of all, with problems of communication, originality of speech development, typical behavioral problems for autists) to determine hyperlexia, it is necessary to have an excessively early interest in the sign, premature in relation to the child's speech and intellectual abilities.
Reply to Jusik's message of March 21, 2017, 22.04 My son is 5 years old in 2 months. What can I say? Much has leveled off over time, but not all and there are still problems. That year we ran around for surveys, specialists, we wanted to hear different opinions. But it didn't give us much. We went through 4 Tomatis courses, after each of them there were huge leaps and progress, Tomatis helped us a lot with understanding speech. Although you still have to speak with the child in a simpler and more perceptive language, otherwise he does not understand.